Owners, Breeders & Partners.
Fairview Black Simmentals is owned and operated by Tony Horvath and Roslyn Ware. Consisting of the properties Fairview (3466 acres) and Cochranes (2530 acres) we are situated 5km north of Mungallala in Western Queensland. We originally ran the properties as a breeding and fattening operation producing EU and Jap Ox bullocks and then later as an Organic breeding and finishing property.
Black Simmentals were first incorporated into the base herd in 2009 and proved to be an immediate success. Our turn off was in high demand and our bullocks would grade consistently well, hitting market specs and achieving high MSA compliance. In 2016 we came to believe our herd had more to offer the beef industry and the decision was made to register our entire female herd with the Australian Simmental Breeders Association as well as Group Breedplan and performance recording began.
Our first Black Simmental bulls were sold by private treaty in 2018 and we have been holding an on property sale since 2020. To accelerate genetic progress, we now conduct a three cycle AI program introducing genetics from leading herds throughout Australia, America and Canada.
The properties are situated in western Queensland, 150 km west of Roma and 5km north of Mungallala. Here in the western rim of the brigalow belt soil types range from sandy soils to red brigalow loam through to pebbly chocolate soils and self mulching black soils. The 550 mm average rainfall typically falls through the warmer months from November to March though conditions can be highly variable, going through drought and flood cycles every seven to ten years.
Fairview was purchased in 2001 and Cochranes purchased in 2008. Extensive water and pasture improvements have been undertaken with the properties now boasting impressive stands of Buffel Grass, Premier Digitaria and Gatton Panic and extensive native pastures including Queensland Blue Grasses, Kangaroo Grass and Mitchell Grass. The properties run 250 registered females plus grower cattle and finishers and have a combined carrying capacity of around 500 adults.
No farming is carried out on the properties due to the variable rainfall of the region. However, due to our extremes of climate (which can range from highs of up to 44 degrees Celsius in summer to lows of negative 5 degrees Celsius in winter) the environment is generally parasite free and is well suited to rangeland grazing producing hardy, healthy cattle requiring very little outside inputs.